Youth Inspire
Our programmes help rangatahi aged15- 24 learn skills that will help them get a job and keep a job. We run a series of workshops to teach the skills employers are looking for and those you need to succeed! We then partner with a variety of local businesses from mechanics to cafes for work experience opportunities which give youth the opportunity to put the skills they have learned into practice.
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Youth Inspire’s employability programmes help Rangatahi learn skills that will help them get a job and keep a job. Developed by COMET, the Youth Employability Programme (YEP) provides learning activities to build the key competencies employers have told us they want their young workers to have. We also help with any certificates needed to be successful at work, including the First Aid certificate.
Youth Inspire’s Driving School has been set up to support rangatahi in the Hutt Valley to gain their learners, restricted and full driver licenses.
Our Purpose
Create a better Aotearoa for tomorrow’s workforce to thrive.
Our Vision
Is to improve the lives of rangatahi in complex situations by equipping them with the capability, resilience and connections for sustainable employment
Our Objectives
Kia maia te taiohi
Raise resilience of rangatahi
We ensure rangatahi in Taita and Wainui have the capabilities to be ‘work ready’ through a structured and focused youth training programme that develops employability skills for young people.
Te mahi ngātahi
Build strategic partnership with business
We have long-term partnerships that enable New Zealand businesses to grow and prosper through staff that show up and are willing to learn
Te whai I ngā kawa
Create trusted relationships
We have trusted, credible and mutually beneficial relationships across the community. Rangatahi trust that we are independent with their best interests at heart
Te Pouwhirinaki pūmau
Support now and into the future
We are adaptable to the changing needs of our people through their lives and as their environments change. We help engage sustainable, successful and meaningful employment opportunities.
Haumanutia Te Awakairangi
Improve Te Awakairangi Wellbeing
We focus on pastoral care, providing clear communication, expert advice and meeting individual needs. In doing so, we help build the confidence of our rangatahi