Huria Trust
Huria Trust provides the Tamatea Training & Workforce Development Programme with support from the Māori Trades and Training Fund (MTTF).
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Whakawhanake ngā pūkenga, whakapiki te oranga
Boost your skills, upgrade your future
We support rangatahi and others to get on the right training and employment pathway for a career they will enjoy. Participants study and work to complete a NZ Qualification, plus any short courses they may need. We’ll work on finding employment, an apprenticeship or further education for when training is completed. And they'll receive pastoral care along the way to provide the right support needed. This programme is for whānau of all ages and stages; rangatahi, people wanting a career change, or people returning to the workforce.
Huria Trust is a kaupapa Māori, hapū based organisation whose inception began with the re-build of our whare tīpuna (ancestral house) Tamateapōkaiwhenua at Huria Marae. We have maintained a kaitiaki role and intimate relationship with our Marae over the past 30 years.
Today, Huria Trust remains a kaupapa Māori, hapū centric organisation committed to the advancement of health, social, educational and cultural services to our hapū and the wider community.