Georgia Lambert
Māori Career Development and Employability Consultant with Auckland University's Māori and Pacific Career Development and Employability Services team.
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Tēnā koe e te iwi. Nō Taranaki me Wairoa ōku tipuna. He uri tenei no Taranaki me Ngāti Kahungunu. I tupu ake au i Kirikiriroa. Ko Taranaki rāua ko Moumoukai te maunga e karanga mai ana. Ko Hangātahua rāua ko Waitirohia te awa e tāere mai ana. Ko Georgia Lambert tōku ingoa.
Having completed my own haerenga not too long ago as a tauira at the University of Otago, I know first-hand the excitement, curiosity, and sometimes even the uncertainty that comes with exploring career options. As I followed my passion for Human Resource Management and Māori Studies, I discovered my drive to make a positive impact and contribute to positive change.
Now, as the Māori Career Development and Employability Consultant, my heart is set on uplifting and empowering our tauira.