TaiOHI Insights Report
- Emma Godwin
In May 2023, OHI Data Navigator was updated with 2022 data from the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI). This means the OHI Data Navigator now provides a five-year view, enabling deeper insights to help understand the experiences rangatahi have interacting with government systems in New Zealand. Whilst we envision that the data insights we gain and the youth-centric approaches we take in this report will change and evolve over time, our recommendations do not, and reflect recommendations made in TaiOHI Insights Reports released in 2021 2022. Unfortunately, this five-year snapshot shows almost no shift in the experiences of exclusion and disadvantage in Aotearoa, with high rates continuing for some communities.1 While this paints a picture at the national level, more granular data is available providing deeper insights and green shoots, which can guide community-focused future mahi. Our continued view is a systems-level approach to advance structural change and support grassroots efforts is necessary, as we work to support all rangatahi to thrive in Aotearoa. The TaiOHI Insights Report 2023 is the third annual report that Te Rourou, One Aotearoa Foundation has released since the launch of OHI Data Navigator. It represents an evolution of the work we have engaged alongside, offering valuable insights into the youth sector. In this report, we look at the past five years of data, and build on the themes of previous reports. In 2022, we reflected the essence of our namesake, Te Rourou, and wove rangatahi voice through central themes of wellbeing, connectedness and aspirations for the future. Now, in 2023, we expand on this by undertaking a thematic review of youth-focused research reports from the repository collated by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC). We wrap up the report reflecting back on the calls to actions we made in 2021.
OHI Data Navigator is an online tool that takes government administrative data and makes it more accessible to the community so we can better understand the experiences of rangatahi and support them to thrive. Launched in 2021, we now have a five-year view of the data and enabling us to see systems-level shifts and data about specific experiences of rangatahi from a national view to a localised view. This is a free tool Te Rourou created with its partners throughout Aotearoa. Many sectors use OHI Data Navigator to measure impact over time, develop programmes for rangatahi, understand where to focus resources, plus much much more. The data within OHI Data Navigator is focused on three areas, experiences of: care and protection, justice, and education and employment. Derived from the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) the data is updated annually in May.