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Te Waiariki Purea Trust

Te Waiariki Purea Trust is a Not for Profit organisation offering a wide range of youth and family services in the Rotorua, Murupara. We have Whare Manawa Wera and Whare Manawa Ora providing a diverse range of support for our community.

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Our focus is working with whanau supporting youth and whanau to achieve their goals.

We strongly believe that the more our people are engaged in activities out in their communities, the more skills they are learning and the more culturally connected they become. We encourage our rangatahi and whanau to be active members of the community, developing leadership roles and therefore becoming role models to the future generations.

Support Services

Whanau Ora

We are proud to be founding members of the Te Arawa Whanau Ora Collective, our kaupapa is about helping whanau achieve their dreams and aspirations. Walking alongside whanau in identifying needs and goals they wish to achieve, our role is to provide the tools and resources available to them in taking ownership of their own future.

Whanau will undertake a process of establishing a moemoea (dream) and practical steps to achieve that dream.


Assisting and supporting youth and whanau to achieve their goals with a mentoring plan designed by them.

Referrals received by Youth Justice, Oranga Tamariki and community agencies.

Whanau Wellness Services

Offering the whole whanau interventions, support and links to required services in the Murupara area

Transition to Adulthood

Supporting young people aged 18 to 21 years from Oranga Tamariki care to adulthood with full wrap-around service

Events and Activities

Te Arawa Journey

Te Arawa Journey retraces the tupuna journeys of Tamatekapua,  Ngatoroirangi and Ihenga from Maketu to Tongariro.  The outdoor pursuits and life skills journey is designed as a preventative youth work programme.

Our primary objective is to provide a cultural and activity based programme for youth.  We  teach skills that will encourage young people to engage and challenge their capabilities.

The target age group for our Te Arawa Journey programme is 10 to 15 years. All youth welcome.

Okareka Outdoor Centre

The Okareka Outdoor Centre based at Boyes Beach, Lake Okareka and offers team building activities, waka, kayaking and paddling for schools, corporates and international visitors 

Waka ama/Waka Tete

paddling events and opportunities to suit all age groups

Hinemoa Water Safety Programme

A four-day water safety programme, teaching tamariki water safety on our lakes and moana, telling Te Arawa stories around wai.