CATE Careers and Transition Educators Association New Zealand logo

CATE Careers and Transition Educators Association New Zealand

CATE is a professional organisation for people working in the fields of career and transition education The focus of CATE is on the career education and development of youth and their transition from school into the wider world of employment, training and/or further education. High quality careers education and development is an essential part of preparing youth for their future.

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Supporting learners to make informed decisions about their options is critical as this can improve their overall quality of life, sense of purpose and the contributions they make to their whanau and community.

CATE NZ supports its members by offering professional development programmes, collaboration opportunities and shared resources that ensure young people have the skills to map their career pathway and have the confidence to respond to challenging and changing circumstance as they emerge.


All young people in Aotearoa New Zealand benefit from quality career education and guidance.


Empower career educators to lead career education and guidance that equips young people to successfully transition from education to employment.

Our members include school Careers Advisers, Transition Teachers, Gateway Coordinators, STAR Coordinators, Careers Administrators and Vocational Pathways leaders, in addition to those associated areas such as private practice, tertiary education sector, Tertiary Education Commission, Ministry of Education and Industry Training Organisations.

Members are aligned to their local region, and all regions in New Zealand are represented on the national executive which meets quarterly.

All members are required to abide by the NZ CATE Code of Ethics.